Izvor: OŠ “Mrkojevići”
Ljetnji kamp engleskog jezika, održan je od 28. avgusta do 1. septembra. Ovo je prvi kamp ovog tipa u našoj zajednici, prvo rukovođenje kampom našeg volontera Ossian Leighton-a i njegov prvi izvještaj kojim je želio izraziti zahvalnost svima koji su doprinijeli ovom divnom iskustvu.
Svima je bilo lijepo i jedva čekaju sljedeće ljeto!
,, This was a first for both Mrkojevici and for Peace Corps Volunteer Ossian Leighton. This was Mrkojevici’s first summer camp and the first Camp Ossian ever held! Over the course of 5 days, we had over 20+ campers participate every day, having a blast playing games and competitions with each other while getting the chance to use and practice English. The highlights included but were not limited to having to a race and write verbs using egg cartons and ping pong balls, playing kickball, Bindman’s bluff, and probably the camper’s favorite, the chance to play with water-balloons as the grand finale!
Thank you to the parents who carpooled and drove the kids to the camp, I appreciated the effort immensely for without you there would have been no camp at all! A great thank you to all those who participated and contributed. As well as a big thanks to Mehida Durovic for taking the time out of her schedule to help me manage the camp, and special thanks to Lela Muslic and Djultena Becirovic for helping to advertise and spread the word.
Looking forward to next year’s summer already! ” (Ossian Leighton)